To book a Birthday Party at Inversion Gym, please contact the front desk.
(530) 544-3547
All Birthday Parties must be pre-arranged by contacting the Front Desk at Inversion Gym.
Complete this form after booking your party.
Check the box to agree.
I understand that all minors will require a Liability Release to be signed by a parent or legal guardian, prior to participation.
I understand that parents and attendees over age 18 are not allowed on the equipment.
I understand that drugs and/or alcohol are not permitted in the gym.
I understand that pinatas will not be used in the gym.
I understand that pinatas and party poppers will not be used in the gym.
I understand that particpants will have proper attire, free of zippers, buckles and buttons.
I understand that the party duration is two hours, which is to include all activities including gym time, food/drink, presents, etc.
I understand that a valid credit card must be on file prior to the party.
I understand that any cancellations must occur at least one week before the scheduled party date to receive a full refund or deposit.
By clicking "Submit," I agree to the above.